Friday, October 14, 2011

The Case for Organics

We hope everyone is enjoying their Fall activities. Wanted to post some more info on organics for those of you who still have some convincing to be done amongst family, friends, or even yourselves! 
Happy Reading! 

The Case for Organics

   Organic food is grown without the use of chemical pesticides or fertilizers, hormones or antibiotics, nor GMOs.  Only natural methods and amendments are used.


   The EPA lists 65 pesticides used on food crops as possible, probable, or known cancer-causing agents.  Studies by the USDA found more than 80% or celery, peach, and apple samples contained pesticide residues even when prepared for normal use by washing, peeling or coring. (12 different carcinogens and 17 different neurotoxins).
   Over 50 pesticides are known to disrupt sperm  production, sperm counts around the world have fallen 50% in 50 years.  A recent study by the Consumer Reports found 75% of conventionally grown product had pesticide residue.  Despite mounting evidence that genetically modified foods pose serious health and environmental problems, the FDA doesn't require special testing or labeling.
   How can consumers tell if the food they are buying contain GMOs? In the US the only way to be sure is to buy certified organic food.  85% of all soy is now grown from GMO seeds, 40% of all corn and 75% of all canola.  Also sweet potatoes.


   Organic food is more nutritious than conventionally grown food according to many recent studies.  The organically grown vegetables tested by Dr. Worthington (lettuce, spinach, carrots, potatoes, cabbage) were found to have averaged 27% more vitamin C, 23% more iron, and 29% more magnesium than their conventionally grown counter parts.  (reported in Nutrition Science News)
The Journal of Applied Nutrition study found the mineral content in organic produce twice as high as those in conventionally grown produce.
According to a study by the American Chemical Society, organic oranges contained 30% more Vitamin C than conventional oranges.
   Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry - organically grown plants contain more healthy compounds than conventionally grown crops.  They make vitamins, polyphenolics and other antioxidants to protect themselves from dangers such as pests and drought.  The thinking is that eating organic plants with their immune (defense) system enhances our immune system.  (Conventionally grown plants have chemicals to protect them so do not need a strong immune system.
   If you are feeding your family with conventionally grown fruits and vegetables in an attempt to boost their immune system, you may be doing more harm than good: eating an apple a day may no longer keep the doctor away.  A far better choice would be to buy organically grown produce, and local if possible.  Organic produce is FDA regulated to be grown without use of harmful pesticides or genetic modifications.  It is widely considered to be safer, healthier alternative.  What's more, these fruits and veggies are though to have high antioxidant levels.

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